
时间:2015-01-15 来源:深圳市网络媒体协会


第一章 总 则

第一条 本协会中文名称为“深圳市网络媒体协会”,英文名称为“Shenzhen Association of Online Media”(简称SAOM)。

第二条 本协会的性质是由深圳地区从事网络媒体行业的企事业单位和个人组成的全市性、非赢利,以促进我市网络媒体行业健康有序、快速发展,服务于社会发展和经济建设的社会团体。

第三条 本协会的宗旨是遵守国家宪法、法律和法规,遵守社会道德风尚;团结全市网络媒体行业的相关企业、事业单位和学术团体,对内组织制定行约、行规,维护行业整体利益,实现行业自律,倡导网络媒体的社会责任和专业精神;协调行业与政府主管部门的交流与沟通,宣传贯彻国家政策、法律法规,提高我市网络媒体行业的应用水平和服务质量,保障国家利益和用户利益,普及网络知识,引导用户健康上网;参与国内、国际交流和有关技术标准的研究;促进我市网络媒体行业的发展,发挥互联网信息服务行业对我市社会、经济、文化发展和社会主义精神文明建设的积极推动作用。

第四条 本协会接受业务主管单位深圳市委宣传部和登记管理机关深圳市民政局的监督管理。

第五条 本协会会址设在深圳报业集团深圳新闻网(深圳市深南大道6008号)。

第二章 业务范围

第六条 本协会的业务范围:

1. 组织和推动会员学习互联网新闻信息管理有关法律、法规及互联网新闻传播理论,不断提高全行业的服务水平。

2. 向会员宣传国家的政策、法律、法规,向政府主管部门反映会员和行业的愿望及合理要求,加强双方的交流与沟通。 

3. 制订并实施网络媒体行业的规范和自律公约,协调会员间的关系,促进会员间的沟通与协作,充分发挥行业自律作用,维护行业整体利益和用户利益,提高行业的服务质量。

4. 开展我市网络媒体行业的调查和信息搜集、整理、统计与分析工作,研究我市网络媒体行业的发展战略、方针政策,促进网络媒体行业的应用开发,探讨本行业的发展规划,向政府和有关主管部门提出建议。

5. 组织与开展有益于网络媒体行业发展的活动,加强行业的信息交流,传递最新技术动态和市场信息,推进我市网络媒体行业的发展与应用。

6. 积极参与国内外有关本行业组织的活动,加强会员单位与国内外组织之间观念和思想方面的了解和沟通,加强深圳市网络媒体行业与国内外同行间的合作与交流。积极组织本行业加强国际交流与合作,参与国际舆论竞争,通过互联网向世界宣传深圳、宣传中国。

7. 编辑出版协会刊物、信息资料以及深圳市网络媒体行业发展状况年度报告。

8. 承担会员单位及其它社会团体或政府主管部门委托的事项。

9. 对会员单位网站的新闻和论坛管理人员进行培训。

10. 开展有关本行业的其它活动。

第三章 会 员

第七条 本协会以单位会员为主,同时也接纳在本行业有一定影响的个人会员。具体接受办法由本协会常务理事会制定并实施。

第八条 会员必须具备下列条件:

1. 遵守国家宪法、法律、法规的规定,拥护并承认本协会章程;

2. 自愿加入本协会,参加本协会的有关活动支持本协会的工作;

3. 单位会员是与互联网行业相关的企业、科研、教育及学术团体。

4. 个人会员是在互联网信息服务领域有一定专长和贡献的专业技术人员。

第九条 会员入会程序:

1. 单位会员符合第九条第(一)、(二)、(三)款的企业、科研、教育及学术性团体,向本会提出申请,经协会秘书处审查,经常务理事会批准签发会员证书。

2. 个人会员符合第九条第(一)、(二)、(四)款的个人向本会提出书面申请,由协会秘书处审查,常务理事会批准,并签发会员证书。第十条 本协会会员享有下列权利:1、 协会的选举权、被选举权和表决权;2、 对协会工作的批评、建议和监督;

3、 获得本协会服务的优先权;

4、 参加本协会的各种活动;

5、 有权要求本协会维护其合法权益;

6、 有权对会员违反协会章程和公约,进行不正当竞争的行为进行举报、投诉,要求协会采取相应措施;

7、 有权要求协会协调政府主管部门及其它相关单位之间的关系;

8、 有权参加对其它会员的评议;

9、 入会自愿、退会自由。

第十一条 本协会会员需要履行下列义务:

1. 执行本协会决议,履行符合本章程的义务; 

2. 完成本协会交办的各项工作,维护本协会声誉和会员 的合法权益;

3. 积极参加本协会组织的各种活动;

4. 按规定缴纳会费(会费标准由会员大会通过);

5. 及时提出意见和建议,为发展壮大本协会做贡献;

6. 向本协会反映情况,提供有关信息和资料。

7. 接受会员评议,遵守评议章程,执行评议结果。

8. 维护团结、增进协作,不做有损于行业共同利益和信誉的事。

第十二条 会员退会应书面通知本协会,并交回会员证书。第十三条 会员如有严重违反本章程的行为,由理事会或常务理事会讨论决定并予以宣布,取消会员资格。

第四章 组织机构和负责人的产生、罢免

第十四条 本协会的最高权力机构是会员代表大会,其主要职责是:

1、 制订和修改协会章程;

2、 选举和罢免理事;

3、 审议理事会的工作报告和财务报告;

4、 制定年度财务预算并审核财务决算;

5、 决定重大变更和终止事宜;

6、 决定其它重大事项。

第十五条 会员代表大会需有2/3以上的会员代表出席方能召开,其决议需经与会代表半数以上表决通过方能生效。

第十六条 会员代表大会每届三年。因特殊情况需临时召开、提前或延期时,须由理事会表决通过,报业务主管单位审查并经社团登记管理机关批准同意。但延期换届最长不超过一年。

第十七条 理事会是会员代表大会的执行机构,在闭会期间领导本协会开展日常工作,对会员代表大会负责。理事会的成员,按照民主集中的原则,经民主选举和充分酝酿协商产生。理事会每届任期三年,可连选连任。理事会设会长一人,副会长若干人,秘书长一人,副秘书长一人,理事若干人。

第十八条 理事会职责是:

1. 执行会员代表大会的决议;

2. 选举或罢免会长、副会长、秘书长、副秘书长;

3. 筹备召开会员代表大会;

4. 向会员代表大会报告工作和财务状况;

5. 决定会员的吸收和取消会员资格;

6. 决定设立办事机构、分支机构、代表机构和实体机构等事项;

7. 决定各机构主要负责人的聘任;

8. 领导本协会各机构开展工作,制定本会的中、近期工作计划;

9. 制定内部管理制度;


第十九条 理事会须有2/3以上理事出席方能召开,其决议须经到会理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。

第二十条 理事会每年召开一次会议,也可采用通讯形式召开。

第二十一条 本协会设立常务理事会。常务理事会由理事会选举产生。常务理事会在理事会闭会期间行使第十九条第(一)、(三)、(五)、(六)、(七)、(八)、(九)项的职权,对理事会负责。本会根据会务需要,可由常务理事会推举深圳市各界支持网络媒体行业的著名人士和热心网络新闻信息服务行业发展对互联网信息服务事业确有实际贡献的若干人为本会名誉理事长、名誉理事或顾问,指导本协会工作。

第二十二条 常务理事会须有2/3以上常务理事出席方能召开,其决议须经到会常务理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。

第二十三条 常务理事会每半年召开一次会议;如遇特殊情况,也可采用通讯形式召开。

第二十四条 本协会的会长、副会长、秘书长必须具备下列条件:1、 坚持党的方针、路线、政策,政治素质好;2、 在本协会业务领域内有较大影响;3、 会长、副会长、秘书长最高任职年龄不超过70周岁,秘书长、副秘书长为专职;4、 身体健康,能坚持正常工作;5、 未受过剥夺政治权利的刑事处罚;6、 具有完全民事行为能力。

第二十五条 本协会会长、副会长、秘书长任期均为三年。可连选连任,但同一职位连选连任一般不超过两届。因特殊情况确需延长任期的,须经会员代表大会2/3以上会员代表表决通过,报业务主管部门审查并经社团登记管理部门批准同意后方可任职。

第二十六条 会长为本协会法定代表人。如因特殊情况需由副会长、秘书长担任法定代表人,应经理事会通过,报业务主管部门审查并经社团登记管理部门批准同意后方可。

第二十七条 本协会会长行使下列职责:

1、 召集和主持理事会、常务理事会;

2、 检查会员代表大会、理事会、常务理事会决议的落实情况;

3、 代表本协会签署有关重要文件。

第二十八条 本协会秘书长行使以下职权:1、 主持办事机构开展日常工作,组织实施年度工作计划;2、 组织落实会员代表大会、理事会、常务理事会决议;3、 协调本协会内部各部门工作;4、 提名副秘书长以及各办事机构、分支机构、代表机构和实体机构主要负责人,交理事会或常务理事会做出决定;5、 决定办事机构,专职工作人员的聘用;6、 处理其它日常事务。

第五章  资产管理和使用原则

第二十九条 本协会经费来源:

1. 会费;

2. 捐赠;

3. 政府资助

4. 在核准的业务范围内开展活动或服务的收入;

5. 利息;

6. 其它合法收入。

第三十条 本协会按照国家有关规定按年度收取会员会费。第一届会员代表大会期间,不收取会费。

第三十一条 本协会经费必须用于本章程规定的业务范围和事业发展,不得在会员中分配。

第三十二条 本协会严格执行国家财务法规和有关规定,严格执行财务管理预决算制度,保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。

第三十三条 本协会配备具有专业资格的会计人员。会计不得兼任出纳。会计人员必须进行会计核算,实行会计监督。会计人员调动工作或离职时,必须与接管人员办清交接手续。

第三十四条 本协会的资产管理必须执行国家规定的财务管理办法,编制年度经费预算、决算,定期向会员代表大会报告财务收支状况,接受会员代表大会和有关部门的审计监督。资产来源属于国家拨款或者社会捐赠、资助的,必须接受审计机关的监督,并将有关情况以适当的方式向社会公布。

第三十五条 本协会换届或更换法定代表人之前必须接受社团登记管理机关和业务主管单位组织的财务审计。

第三十六条 本协会的资产,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分和挪用。

第三十七条 本协会专职工作人员的工资和保险、福利待遇,参照国家对事业单位的有关规定执行。

第六章  章程的修改程序

第三十八条 对本协会章程的修改,须经理事会表决通过后报会员代表大会审议。

第三十九条  本协会修改的章程,须在会员代表大会通过后15 日内,经业务主管部门审查同意,并报社团登记管理机关核准后生效。

第七章 终止程序及终止后财产处理

第四十条 本协会完成宗旨、自行解散或由于分立、合并等原因需要注销的,由理事会或常务理事会提出终止动议。

第四十一条 本协会终止动议须经会员代表大会表决通过,并报业务主管部门审查同意。

第四十二条 本协会终止前,须在业务主管部门及有关机关指导下成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不开展清算以外的活动。

第四十三条 本协会经社团登记管理机关办理注销登记手续后即为终止。

第四十四条 本协会终止后的剩余财产,在业务主管部门和社团登记管理机关的监督下,按照国家有关规定,用于发展与本协会宗旨相关的事业。

第八章 附则

第四十五条 本章程经2006年2月28日会员代表大会表决通过。

第四十六条 本章程的解释权属本协会的理事会。

第四十七条 本章程自社团登记管理机关核准之日起生效。

Rules of Shenzhen Association of Online Media (SAOM)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 The English name of the Association is Shenzhen Association of Online Media (SAOM).

Article 2 The Association is a nonprofit legal entity which is registered through the approval of the organ responsible for registration and administration of mass organizations in Shenzhen and which is voluntarily and jointly founded by news agencies and non-news agencies, relevant educational, scientific research institutes and other units and individuals in Shenzhen which have secured approval according to law to provide news and information services through the Internet, to promote the sound and orderly development of the online media, and to serve the interests of social development and economic construction .

Article 3 The SAOM aims to publicize state laws, regulations and policies to the online media, advocate the social responsibilities and professionalism of the online media, appraise the behaviors of members in violation of relevant state laws and regulations, assist competent government departments in strengthening management, safeguard the national information security and social and public interests, protect the legitimate rights and interests of members and promote online knowledge and sound online services, and to participate in national and international exchanges and relevant technological researches, to promote and development of online media industry and exert its influence on the social, economic, and cultural development and socialist spiritual construction of Shenzhen.

Article 4 The Association is subject to the professional guidance and supervision and management of the Publicity Department of Shenzhen Municipal CPC Committee and the Civil Administration Department of Shenzhen for Administration of Organizations in Shenzhen.

Article 5 Its legitimate office is located at SZNEWS.com of Shenzhen Press Group. (Add:No.6008 Shenzhen Thoroughfare,Shenzhen)

Chapter II Scope of Business

Article 6 Scope of Business

1. The Association organizes members and encourages them to study relevant laws and regulations on administration of Internet news and information services and theories on Internet news media, and improve the services of online media.

2. The Association publicizes the national laws, regulations and public policies to the members and takes the initiative to report the wishes and reasonable requests of members and online media to the competent government departments, and to strengthen the communications and interchanges between them.

3. The Association formulates and implements the joint pledge on self-discipline in online media in Shenzhen, coordinates relations among members, enhances the awareness of professional self-discipline, improves self-discipline measures, continues to raise the quality of professional services, safeguards the national information safety and protects the national interests and the legitimate rights and interests of users and the of the industry.

4. The Association takes the initiative to conduct investigations and research in online media and study the theories on Internet news and information communication, explores and discusses the law and plan for the development of online media and makes suggestions to the government and relevant administrative departments.

5. The Association takes the initiative to conduct activities which are conducive to the development of online media, undertake research, development and promotion of new technology and strengthen cooperation in online media in Shenzhen.

6. The Association takes the initiative to participate in national and international activities organized in the industry, enhance the understanding and communication between members and the national and international organizations conceptually and mentally, and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in online media, participates in competition in international media and publicizes Shenzhen and China to the world through the Internet.

7. e Association edits and publishes its journal, information materials and the annual reports on the development of Shenzhen internet media industry.

8.The Association takes the initiative to carry on matters entrusted by members and other social organs or relevant government departments.9.The Association takes the initiative to provide training to the management of the responsible for the news and forum of the members.1o. The Association conducts other activities related to online media.

Chapter III Members

Article 7 Members of the Association include group members, and influential individuals as well. Procedures shall be made by the council.

Article 8 Qualified members must1.Abide by the Constitution, national laws and regulations, support and recognize the Rules; 2.Join the Association voluntarily, and participate in the relevant activities organized by the Association and give it full support;3.For group members, be enterprises, bodies of scientific, educational & academic researches related to the internet industry;4.For individual members, be professionals with certain technology and devotions in the area of internet information services;

Article 9 Procedures for becoming members of the Association are as follows:

1. For groups, to present applications for joining the Association according with 1,2 and 3 of Article 9; certificates will be issued after examination by the Secretarial and approval by the Executive Council;

2. For individuals, to present applications to the Association; certificates will be issued after examination by the Secretarial and approval by the Executive Council according with 1,2 and 4 of Article 9;.

Article 10 Members of the Association enjoy the following rights:

1. To enjoy the right to vote and to stand for election;

2.To make criticism and suggestions and exercise supervision with regard to the work of the Association;

3.To have precedence to obtain the services of the Association;

4.To participate in the various activities of the Association;

5.To have the right to ask the Association to protect their legitimate rights and interests;

6.To have the right to inform against and lodge complaints over members’ violations of the Rules of the Association and the joint pledge and the behaviors of unfair competition and ask the Association to take necessary measures;

7. To have the right to ask the Association to coordinate relations between competent government departments and other relevant units;

8. To have the right to participate in appraisal of other members; and

9.To join the Association voluntarily and quit it freely.

Article 11Members of the Association should perform the following obligations:

1.To carry out the decisions of the Association and perform the obligations which conform to its Rules;

2. To accomplish the tasks assigned by the Association, and to safeguard the reputation of the Association and the legitimate rights and interests of the members;

3.To take the initiative to participate in the various activities organized by the Association;

4.To pay membership dues according to regulations (standards for membership dues are clearly set at the members’ representative conference)

5.To raise opinions and suggestions for the betterment of the Association;

6.To provide information and materials related to the organs to the Association;

7.To accept the appraisal of members, observe the rules on appraisal and implement the results of appraisal;

8.To safeguard unity, increase cooperation and refrain from doing things which are detrimental to the common interests and reputation of online media.

Article 12 If a member wants to quit the Association, it should inform the Association in writing and return the membership card.

Article 13 If a member seriously violates the Rules of the Association, its name will be canceled after this is voted through at the meeting of the council.

Chapter IV Organizational Structure

Article 14 The highest organ of authority of the Association is the members’ representative conference. Its main responsibilities are as follows:

1. To revise the Rules of the Association;

2. To elect or dismiss members of the council or supervisors;

3. To examine the work report and financial report of the council and the board of supervisors;

4. To formulate the yearly budget and examine final accounts;

5. To decide on matters concerning major change and termination; and

6. To decide on other major matters.

Article 15Only when over two-thirds of representatives for members attend a members’ representative conference can it be held. Only when a decision is voted through by over half of representatives for members present at the conference can it be valid.

Article 16 The term of office for representatives for members who attend the members’ representative conference is three years. If the conference needs to be held temporarily or before the due date or postponed under special circumstances, this must be voted through by the council, examined by the organ in charge of online media and approved by the organ in charge of administration of registration of mass organizations. But the delayed re-election when the term of office expires cannot be more than one year.

Article 17 The council is an executive organ of the members’ representative conference. When the conference is not in session, it leads the Association in routine work and is responsible to the conference. Members of the council are chosen according to the principle of democratic centralism and through democratic election and full deliberation and consultation. The term of office for members of council is three years and can be re-elected. The council has one president, several vice-presidents, one secretary-general, a few executive members and members.

Article 18Responsibilities of the council are as follows:

1. To implement the decisions made at the members’ representative conference;

2. To elect or dismiss president, vice-presidents and secretary-general;

3. To prepare for convocation of the members’ representative conference;

4. To report the work and financial position to the members’ representative conference;

5. To decide on admission or dismissal of members;

6. To decide on establishment of offices, branch offices, representative agencies and other organs;

7. To decide on appointment of deputy secretary-generals and chiefs in charge of different organs;

8. To lead different organs of the Association in their work and organize implementation of the yearly work plan;

9. To formulate the internal management system; and

10. To decide the changes on other matters of the Association.

Article 19 Only when over two-thirds of members of the council can its meeting be held. Only when a decision is voted through by over two-thirds of the members can it be valid.

Article 20 The meeting of the council is held once every year, and video meetings are also acceptable.

Article 21 The Association has the executive council. Members of the executive council are elected at the meeting of the council. When the meeting of the council is not in session, the executive council performs the functions and powers prescribed in 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Article 19 and is responsible to the council.

Article 22 Only when over two-thirds of members of the executive council can its meeting be held. Only when a decision is voted through by over two-thirds of the members of the executive council can it be valid.

Article 23 The meeting of the executive council is held at least once every six months, and video meetings are acceptable under special circumstances.

Article 24 President, vice-presidents and secretary-general of the Association must meet the following conditions:

1. To adhere to the Party’s principles, line and policies and have political integrity;

2. To be influential in the work of the Association;

3. To be under 70 years old.

4. To be in good health and maintain normal work;

5. To have no criminal record of deprivation of political right; and

6. To have complete civil capacity.

Article 25 The term of office for members of council, including president of the council, vice-president and the secretary-general, is three years and can be re-elected. If the term needs to be postponed under special circumstances, this must be voted through by the council, examined by the organ in charge of online media and approved by the organ in charge of administration of registration of mass organizations.

Article 26 The legal representative of the Association is President of the council. If the vice-presidents or the secretary-general assume the legal representative under special circumstances, this must be voted through by the council, examined by the organ in charge of online media and approved by the organ in charge of administration of registration of mass organizations.

Article 27President of the Association performs the following functions and powers:

1. To call and preside over the meeting of the council and the meeting of the executive council;

2. To examine the implementation of decisions made at the members’ representative conference, the meeting of the council and the meeting of the executive council;

3. To sign relevant important documents on behalf of the Association; and

Article 28 Secretary-general of the Association performs the following functions and powers:

1. To take charge of routine work of offices and organize implementation of the yearly work plan;

2. To organize the decisions made at the members’ representative conference, the meeting of the council and the meeting of the executive council.

3. To coordinate the work of different departments of the association;

4. To nominate deputy secretary-generals and chiefs of offices, branch offices, representative agencies and other organs and present the list of names to the council for approval;

5. To decide on appointment of employees in offices and other full-time employees; and

6. To handle other routine work.

Chapter V Assets Management

Article 29 The sources of the Association’s funds are as follows:

1. Membership dues;

2. Donations;

3. Financial support from the government;

4. Income from activities or services within the approved scope of business;

5. Interest; and

6. Other legal income.

Article 30 According to the relevant state regulations, the Association collects membership dues. During the period of the first members’ representative conference, no membership dues will be collected.

Article 31The Association’s funds must be used for development of online media within the scope of business as prescribed in its Rules, and they cannot be distributed among its members.

Article 32 The Association establishes a rigorous financial management system, strictly implements the system of budget and final accounts for financial management and ensures the legitimacy, authenticity, accuracy and intactness of accounting materials.

Article 33The Association has professionally competent accountants. Accountants cannot concurrently serve as cashiers. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. When an accountant is transferred to another job or quits his/her job, he/she must handle handover formalities with the new staff.

Article 34 The assets management of the Association must be subject to the methods of financial management as prescribed by the state. If the sources of funds are appropriations from the state or donations and financial support from all sectors of society, they must accept the supervision by the auditing organ, and the auditing results must be made known to the public in appropriate ways.

Article 35 During every fiscal year and when the term of office expires and members of the council are re-elected or there is the need to change legal representative, the Association must accept the financial auditing by the organ for administration of registration of mass organizations and the competent government department.

Article 36 No units or individuals can embezzle, distribute and diverted to other purposes the Association’s assets.

Article 37 The wages and salaries, insurance and welfare benefits of full-time employees of the Association are handled according to relevant state regulations concerning institutions.

Chapter VI Procedures for modification of SOAM

Article 38 The modification of the SOAM must be voted through by the council, approved by the members’ representative conference.

Article 39The modification of SOAM must be examined by the organ in charge of online media and approved by the organ in charge of administration of registration of mass organizations within 15 days after its approved by the members’ representative conference.

Chapter VII Procedures for Termination and Financial Disposal

Article 40 If the Association needs to be cancelled owing to fulfillment of its purpose, dissolution on its own, separation or merger, its council will make a proposal for termination.

Article 41The proposal for termination of the Association must be voted through at the members’ representative conference and be submitted to the competent government department for examination and approval.

Article 42Prior to its termination, the Association must establish a liquidation organ under the guidance of the competent government department and the relevant organs, clear debts and claims and handle matters concerning debts.

Article 43After the Association handles formalities for registration of cancellation in the organ for administration of registration of cancellation of mass organizations, it is terminated.

Article 44 The remaining property of the Association following its termination is used for development of business related to its purpose according to the relevant state regulations under the supervision of the competent government department and the organ for administration of registration of mass organizations.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 45 The Rules of the Association were voted through at the members’ representative conference on February 28 2006.

Article 46 The authority to interpret the Rules of the Association is vested in its council.

Article 47 The Rules of the Association will come into effect from the day of approval by the organ for administration of registration of mass organizations.